
Showing posts from April, 2019

What Causes Retinal Detachment in Adults

Today we're going to discuss what causes retinal detachment in young adults? We will also touch on what a retinal detachment actually is and the symptoms associated with this condition. Types of Retinal Detachment Today we're going to touch on one of two types of retinal detachments. We are going to talk about rhegmatogenous that means the detachment causes which is either by a retinal hole or retinal tear. The hole or tear allows the fluid from the middle of the eye to form underneath the retina. Therefore if fluid accumulates underneath the retina through this hole or tears the retina Detaches. Keep in mind that a retinal detachment is potentially blinding so there is some urgency to try and fix this ASAP. Symptoms of a retinal detachment include loss of your peripheral vision and usually the peripheral or the side vision is involved first, and the loss of vision moves centrally. Flashes and Floaters Flashes and floaters are also commonly associated wi...

How to Get Rid of Man Boobs | 7 Tips

Here are 7 tips to get rid of those embarrassing man boobs and what you can do to treat this condition.  What Causes This Condition Gynecomastia , also know as man boobs, it is a common disorder of the endocrine system in which there is a non-cancerous increase of male breast tissue. Estrogens It is thought to be caused by an altered ratio of estrogens that is the female sex hormone and includes the androgens the male sex hormone. When there is an increase in estrogens or a decrease in androgens or both. Man boobs are common in newborn babies but it hardly stays longer than 2-3 weeks. It is also common in older males due to a natural decline in testosterone. But it is a major problem when it comes to adolescents as many as 70% get affected by this condition. So in this article, I'm going to share with you seven tips including the specific exercises that will help you get rid of the man boobs. Weight Loss Losing weight, gynecomastia is a medical condition h...

How Much Does Laser Eye Surgery Cost?

How much does laser eye surgery cost? You really cannot pick up a newspaper or listen to music on the radio without hearing some clinic advertising about LASIK. Laser eye surgery is advertised from a few hundred dollars per eye to a few thousand dollars per eye. So which price is right. No one wants to have their eyes treated at the cheapest place but no one wants to feel as if they've overpaid as well. Why Costs Are Different  So why is there so much confusion as to how much laser eye surgery should cost the short answer is twofold? LASIK is not performed in only one way but with different technologies, techniques, and approaches. How LASIK is performed will determine your cost. Secondly, the LASIK fee quota can include or exclude a variety of tests medications, treatments, and aftercare. So the cost could actually be a fraction of what you will end up paying. Surgeon Expenses In general, you should expect to pay about $2,000 per eye for high-quali...

Natural Remedies For Piles You Can Do From Home

Natural remedies for piles you can do from home. Anyone who has ever had the piles knows how uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be. If you are someone like me who doesn't enjoy trips to the doctor all that much you may be wondering what's the best treatment for this embarrassing illness. If prevention is no longer an option there are home treatments for piles available. These are often the simplest way of dealing with piles and is much less expensive and more convenient than having surgery. Making Lifestyle Changes There's more than a couple of easy treatments for piles with just a couple of simple lifestyle changes you will be able to prevent them altogether. The end result is to prevent them from ever occurring in the first place so making a few simple changes to your lifestyle can significantly reduce your chances of getting piles. Getting Fiber in Your Diet  The first thing you should do is add fiber to your diet this can be done by eating more fru...

Get Rid of Bad Breath Permanently | 2 Natural Remedies

How to get rid of bad breath permanently using these 2 natural remedies. Bad breath is not only a sign of unhealthy oral practices but is also a problem that can bring you utter embarrassment in social situations as well as giving one a level of low confidence. Fortunately, apple cider vinegar offers a natural and inexpensive way to help take care of this problem and get your breath fresh again. Two Natural Methods to Rid Yourself of Bad Breath  The causes of bad breath can be quite complicated as there are a number of factors that contribute to having this condition. In this article, I will give you two effective remedies on how you can get rid of bad breath using apple cider vinegar and good old-fashioned parsley. Apple Cider Vinegar  Make an apple cider vinegar mouthwash. Ad 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar to one cup of water. Mix the ingredients well using the mouthwash gargle for five seconds to cure bad breath. You will need to brush again with regular too...

Why is Porn So Addictive?

This article will focus on why is porn so addictive and the real reason behind this condition. Sex addiction and porn addiction have been around for at least a generation but I'm often asked can porn really be addictive. Some people say only drugs can be addictive porn isn't a drug right. You don't inhale it you don't inject it, therefore, porn can't be addictive. The first thing we need to do is defining the term, what do we mean by addiction, well the American Society of addiction medicine says that addiction is a chronic disease of the brain you see the brain contains and creates millions of neural circuits that are for memory and rewarding behaviours. Porn and the Real Reason You're Addicted And addictions are basically dysfunctions in the circuits of the body. Here a person is pathologically pursuing neurological rewards. Recently the same society expanded and clarified the definition of addiction to include not just substance addictions th...

Urinary Incontinence Treatment | Over Active Bladder

Urinary Incontinence Treatment and Symptoms of an overactive bladder. One of the worst things to deal with is an overactive bladder unless it is actually symptomatic of a more serious urinary disorder. Women and Men Overactive bladder can be very embarrassing with this disorder, even laughing becomes a challenge and any activities no matter how menial or strenuous are equally hampered by the constant fear of accidentally leaking. Medically the condition associated with this is called an overactive bladder syndrome which is more commonly reported in women than men.  Managing This Condition To manage the syndrome you have the choice of using more natural methods or taking synthetic medication, the former is more effective as it does not put pressure on your liver thus it is important to learn how to treat overactive bladder. Surgical Intervention Note that when matters become extreme the last resort would be a surgical intervention in doing so entails the enlargeme...

How to Get Rid of Restless Leg Syndrome | 7 Natural Ways

7 natural ways to get rid of restless leg syndrome. In this article, I'm going to share with you the top natural treatments for restless leg syndrome .  You're going to learn the best supplements, the best diet, lifestyle, as well as herbal treatments and remedies for getting rid of restless leg syndrome. Magnesium Supplements The number one thing you want to start doing right away is to start taking a magnesium supplement. magnesium helps your muscles relax. It's very effective in that way. So again, start using magnesium on a daily basis. Typically, you want to get a magnesium chelate. If not magnesium chelate, magnesium citrate also works well and doing 500 mg a day, or about 400 to 500mg every single day of magnesium powder as a supplement. Folate The number two thing you want to start doing to get rid of restless leg syndrome is to start supplementing and using folate. That's also known as vitamin B9. We know that folate actually helps support ne...

Is Glaucoma Genetically Inherited

Is glaucoma genetically inherited well the short answer to that is yes it is hereditary? One of the strongest risk factors for the development of this disease is a positive history for glaucoma . If you have glaucoma you should gather information concerning any historical references to other members that may have had this condition in the past. You shouldn't see it as a burden but see it as a conscious warning that it may be a hereditary condition that can be treated and also the information may be vital in assisting a professional eye specialist in giving you the correct treatment necessary.. So take it upon yourself, especially in the holiday season to get together with family to make sure that they know about this illness especially if it may have a history. Encourage them to get their eyes checked as soon as possible. When they do to get their eyes checked, that the eye specialist is well aware of this condition in the family a positive family history of the diseas...

How to Stop Night Sweats | 10 Natural Ways

10 natural ways to stop night sweats you can do from home. Another name for night sweats which is called sleep hyperhidrosis it basically means you sweat too much while you are sleeping. Symptoms In Woman Generally, this could occur in women who have reached menopause phase, certain hormonal changes occur after a particular age. This could be the reason behind excessive sweating, it is better to consult a doctor to detect whether the night sweats are due to any other medical reason. If your bed sheets are getting wet with your sweat try these 10 natural remedies to ease this condition. If your sweating still persists after trying these home remedies then please consult a doctor as soon as possible. Tip number one Enjoy a shower with cold to warm water before sleeping this will reduce your chances of suffering night sweats. Tip number two Exercise plays an important role in regulating hormonal action and sweating don't miss your daily exercise workouts. Tip n...

Premenstrual Symptoms vs Pregnancy Symptoms

Premenstrual symptoms vs pregnancy symptoms? What's the Diff! If you have missed your periods and you're anxious whether you're pregnant and then suddenly you start experiencing symptoms that may be associated with mood swings and cravings etc... then keep reading. So is it pregnancy or just another delayed period, and yes, this can  happen because there are few symptoms that occur commonly both in the premenstrual phase as well as in the early weeks of pregnancy. Symptoms So what are those symptoms.. the most common is the heaviness or the soreness of breasts? In a  premenstrual  phase, it typically starts about a week or two prior to the onset of the periods and once the period starts it disappears. Food Cravings But during pregnancy, it can extend during the early weeks of pregnancy even after the end of the first trimester. The other common symptom is craving for food, in the  premenstrual phase , most of the women crave for sugary and salty foods...

How to Cure Mouth Ulcers Naturally | 5 Quick-Fast Remedies

How to cure mouth ulcers naturally 5 quick and fast remedies you can do from home with common ingredients you probably have in your pantry. What Are Moth Ulcers? Mouth ulcers are painful sores that appear in the mouth, the exact cause of most mouth ulcers is still relatively unknown. Stress or tissue injury or certain foods including citrus, core acidic fruits and vegetables can trigger a mouth ulcer. Mouth ulcers usually occur inside the mouth or inside the gums, lips, and in some cases, ulcers can develop on the tongue. In this article, we will go over five natural home remedies to treat and hopefully cure mouth ulcers with fast quick results. Coconut Milk Mix some coconut milk and honey and massage the gums three to four times a day. Gargle twice daily once in the morning and before going to bed with fresh coconut milk. Coriander Seeds Boil 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds in one cup of water cool it to lukewarm and gargle twice a day. Fenugreek Leav...

Constant Itching All Over My Body - 7 Likely Causes

Unexplained itching all over my body for no reason? So many medical conditions may cause skin itching but usually the main culprit is some type of skin rash. Sometimes skin rashes develop all of a sudden but they may sometimes develop more slowly over time.. What Is Skin Rash And Why Do Itch All Over My Body?  A skin rash refers to a condition in which a certain area of your skin becomes irritated or swollen. Skin rashes may include scaly or red skin, skin sores or bumps as well as a burning sensation. What Does It Look Like?  The appearance, color, and location of your rash will help determine the underlying cause but most people develop these rashes due to some common issues. The following describe the different types of skin rashes that are mostly associated with constant itching. Types of Rashes That May Cause Itching All Over The Body Chickenpox For instance chickenpox, if you develop a rash with intense itching it could be the cause of chickenpox. Y...

What Are The Different Types of Polyphasic Sleep Cycles

Hi, today we're going to be looking at what are the different types of   polyphasic sleep cycles  and what are the benefits of each one. Wouldn't it be cool to sleep less than eight hours a day to free up more time? Without feeling or looking tired in the process. Can you imagine what you could do with all that extra time? We're going to learn how to get the minimum amount of sleep possible and still live a successful and healthy life. Mono Phasing Sleep Cycle Now if you are only sleeping eight hours a night in one setting this is what's known as a mono phasing sleep cycle. Biphasic Sleep Cycle  You are only going through one sleep session for 24 hours. If you switch this up a little bit and you do something called a biphasic sleep cycle you are sleeping twice per 24 hours. Many people doing their own routines are sleeping for five hours a night and then around halfway through the day they take a 90-minute power nap. The Dymaxion Sleep Cycle The ...

What Are Eye Floaters | Causes & Symptoms

What are eye floaters & how does it form? and what are the causes and symptoms of this condition? How Our Eyes See The World For us to see the world around us light enters the front of the eye and passes through the vitreous before it's focused on the retina.  The  vitreous  is the clear gel-like fluid inside of the eye, the retina is the light-sensitive tissue, lining the back of the eye. How Floaters Are Formed Frequently tiny clumps of cells from inside the gel-like vitreous, the shadows these clumps cast on the retina what we perceive as floaters, they can appear as dots circles lines clouds or cobwebs in the field of vision, floaters are more common as we reach middle age. This is a time in our life when the vitreous gel can start to thicken and shrink forming clumps or strands. Sometimes the shrinking of the vitreous can create tiny tears in the retina as it pulls away from the wall of the eye. If these tears new floaters may appear with flash...

Stay Hard Longer Treat Premature Ejaculation At Home

Treat premature ejaculation and stay hard longer with these simple steps. Premature ejaculation can be a difficult problem to solve but if you stick around you'll finally be able to get rid of this problem once and for all. If you are suffering from this condition there's really no need to worry too much, you are definitely not alone. PE is something many young men deal with and it's pretty common, there are many treatments available and we'll be covering one of them. Basically, PE is when you orgasm way too early right after penetration with nearly no sexual stimulation of any kind and this can result in dissatisfaction for both parties involved. Self Esteem It can end in embarrassment and anxiousness from your own self-judgment and for younger guys, the problem is usually psychological in the sense that they are too anxious or nervous or stressing out and hence they   shoot the gun  too early. Now, this can be very easily treated by following these...

Premature Ejaculation Causes and Treatment

Premature ejaculation causes and treatment for the men who just can't seem to get things right A lot of men are concerned about this condition because it can have a significant impact on not only their sexual functioning but also in their sexual relationship with their partner. Premature Ejaculation Causes What causes premature ejaculation is still in the works, yet the condition occurs when there's rapid ejaculation even before the act of penetration. This will cause a lot of stress and anxiety for most men so it's important to note that if you have this condition you're not alone it's very common. Essentially it's estimated that approximately 30% of men have this condition. So what causes  premature ejaculation? The cause of premature ejaculation is not clearly understood, there are many theories on what may be the causet ranging from abnormal levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin increased sensitivity of the ...

Stop Nail Biting! 5 Tips to Crush This Bad Habit

Stop nail biting by using these 5 tips to crush the habit. Don't you know that biting your nails could cause an infection or even worse give you permanent nail damage? I know it's a hard habit to break that's why I'm going to show you five different ways to tackle the problem. Anti-Nail Biting Polish The first method is by using an anti-nail biting polish you can find these products at your local drugstore. Many different brands carry them in their line. There is a clear treatment that you put over your nails every few days. The reason that this work is because they have a bad taste if you choose to put your nails in your mouth especially when you do it unconsciously. You'll be immediately reminded to take them out by the bad taste, and trust me you'll want to keep your nails out of your mouth because these polishes taste pretty gross. Fake Nails Another way to help stop biting your nails is by using fake nails over your natural nails. Try the pr...

Why Are My Hands Shaking For No Reason

So why are my hands shaking for no reason at all? The medical term we use for shaky hands is called tremors and we tremor or shake when we're afraid, or cold as a mechanism to create body heat by activating and relaxing the muscle groups. What Causes My Hands to Shake And what a tremor actually is, is basically an imbalance between one group of muscles that are making the joint move. For example, take the wrist, when it contracts, the opposite group of muscles in the forearm relaxes and there is a drop. So a tremor is basically alternating movements which are called agonist and antagonist activity. And antagonist muscles or in sync gives that erratic signal which then gives you that disturbance in the equilibrium, which is a controlled steady muscle tone and posture. So tremors are caused, as mentioned, by the imbalance between agonist and antagonist activity in the muscles which is known as the up down up or bobbing up and down phenomena. On the other hand, a tremor i...