Why Are My Hands Shaking For No Reason
So why are my hands shaking for no reason at all? The medical term we use for shaky hands is called tremors and we tremor or shake when we're afraid, or cold as a mechanism to create body heat by activating and relaxing the muscle groups.
What Causes My Hands to Shake
And what a tremor actually is, is basically an imbalance between one group of muscles that are making the joint move. For example, take the wrist, when it contracts, the opposite group of muscles in the forearm relaxes and there is a drop. So a tremor is basically alternating movements which are called agonist and antagonist activity.
And antagonist muscles or in sync gives that erratic signal which then gives you that disturbance in the equilibrium, which is a controlled steady muscle tone and posture.
So tremors are caused, as mentioned, by the imbalance between agonist and antagonist activity in the muscles which is known as the up down up or bobbing up and down phenomena. On the other hand, a tremor is generally associated with a family history.
Benign Familial
A very common tremor called the benign familial essential tremor which is not harmful. When it's benign, in others it doesn't signify a disease in the brain. These are normally treated with a -symbol beta blockers and are often present in families.
Parkinson's Disease
There however other tremors that are associated with this medical condition and the big one obviously is Parkinson's disease which is primarily a disease where you have a shortage of a -neurotransmitters- in the brain called -dopamine- and dopamine is essential in controlling and regulating a sustained movement of the muscles.
So motor function specifically, in this case, the trap of Parkinson's disease, which is a tremor where your quite stiff or moving slowly and then the P being postural instability.
Underlying Condition
It can point to other medical conditions even a thyroid problem can point to having tremors, but it's brought about by many many medical conditions, you must consult a doctor. A beta blocker works specifically on what is known as the beta receptors, as the receptors are important in regulating the speed, for instance, your heartbeat.
Peripheral Signs
They slow down the heart rate so people that suffer from the peripheral signs of anxiety and tremors as that part of the nervous system becomes hyperstimulated or nervous. A beta blocker hides and slows down the manifestations of anxiety.
The beta blocker receptors themselves are present on different body tissues and one of the most common is in the airway in the trachea.
The smooth muscle of the trachea, when you have asthma it is recommended that you to stay away from beta blockers because they can facilitate bronchospasm a constriction of the airway. Well, I hope that shed a little light on why your hands may suddenly shake as always seek professional help if shaking is serious.
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