Natural Remedies For Piles You Can Do From Home

Natural remedies for piles you can do from home. Anyone who has ever had the piles knows how uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be.

If you are someone like me who doesn't enjoy trips to the doctor all that much you may be wondering what's the best treatment for this embarrassing illness.

If prevention is no longer an option there are home treatments for piles available. These are often the simplest way of dealing with piles and is much less expensive and more convenient than having surgery.

Making Lifestyle Changes

There's more than a couple of easy treatments for piles with just a couple of simple lifestyle changes you will be able to prevent them altogether.

The end result is to prevent them from ever occurring in the first place so making a few simple changes to your lifestyle can significantly reduce your chances of getting piles.

Getting Fiber in Your Diet 

The first thing you should do is add fiber to your diet this can be done by eating more fruits and vegetables or you could even purchase some fiber supplements from the local pharmacy.

A diet high in fiber will lead to less staining in the bathroom which can significantly reduce the chance of getting piles in the first place. In addition to a high-fiber diet, doctors recommended that you should try to produce regular bowel movements.

Warm Bath

Many people suffering from piles say that taking a warm bath is the best home treatment, the warm water helps to reduce the swelling and relieves the pain. For instant relief of pain you can apply an ice pack to hemorrhoid for approximately 10 to 15 minutes this will bring immediate relief and will significantly reduce the swelling.

Petroleum Jelly

The most common home treatments are to apply either petroleum jelly or an over-the-counter ointment such as preparation-h directly to hemorrhoid applying petroleum jelly will immediately reduce the irritation and will make doing things such as walking or sitting down much more comfortable.

Preparation H is an over-the-counter hemorrhoid home treatment that works by constricting the blood vessels in hemorrhoid. A topical pain reliever for both treatments is to be applied as necessary.

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