We Blush When Embarrassed But Why? Let's Take a Look

We blush when embarrassed but why is this happening? No worries let's take a look into this common condition that affects thousands of Americans.

Everybody feels embarrassed at times but nothing quite emphasizes the feeling, like a completely red face. So why do we blush?

" Actually blushing serves a functional purpose, not just simply to embarrass you further."

What Causes the Redness or Blushing?

Adrenaline dilates your blood vessels to improve blood flow and oxygen delivery, even though veins generally don't respond to adrenaline, the ones in your face do. Which causes the face to blush or turn reddish..

Blushing is an involuntarily and uncontrollable reflex caused by the sympathetic nervous system, which activates your fight or flight response.

The release of adrenaline speeds up your heart rate and breathing, dilates your pupils and redirects energy to your muscles. All these effects contribute to the feelings you experience when embarrassed.

Scientific Studies Into Why We Blush

The scientists are still out on this one; even Charles Darwin commented that blushing is "The most peculiar and most human of all expressions." But there are some scientific theories into why we blush.

The main theory suggests that blushing evolved as a means to show regret or remorse within the social codes of human society.

Social Gatherings or Events can Trigger One To Blush or Feel Embarrassed

In this sense, blushing is purely social-based. And it's much more reliable than a verbal or behavioral expression of remorse, which can be controlled or faked. To the people who see you blush, they understand from experience what you're feeling.

By blushing, we're showing others that we recognize we sort of mucked up socially and in many ways, it acts as a nonverbal physical apology for our mistake.

Sympathy Can also Come With Blushing & Embarrassment

Several studies have found that people who blushed after a social-mashup are much more favorable to onlookers. So blush! It's a helpful bodily signal. I hope this article has given you a little more insight into the mechanics of this condition.


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