How to Get Rid of Head Lice 3 Natural Home Remedies

How to get rid of head lice using these 3 natural home remedies you can do from the comfort of home. These ugly looking bugs can be stubborn, to say the least. But no worries, in this article we will look at how we can eliminate these nasty creatures once and for all, let the annihilation begin.

Using common olive oil to treat head lice by suffocation

Here's our first line of attack, we are going to use good old olive. Olive oil is equally fatal for both adult lice and small lice. And now we going to suffocate these buggers to death, let's not celebrate to soon, head lice can survive for hours without breathing. I'm actually surprised these things are able to even breath in the first place. Well apparently they do, so to make extra sure this method works you will need to leave the oil on overnight.

Preparing your anti head lice remedy 

Yes, I know things are going to get somewhat messy with this one nevertheless let's do this. First, coat your hair and scalp completely with mayonnaise or olive oil until your hair is completely saturated.

With longer hair use your fingers to rake any access oil off it doesn't have to be dripping with oil just enough so the hair has a decent coating. Use a shower hat or a plastic bag to cover the head making sure you seal off as much as you can.

The next day wash your hair with shampoo to remove all the oil and then towel dry your hair. Now you can apply distilled white vinegar on your hair in conjunction with the above method.

Coat your hair and scalp completely with vinegar. Leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing and washing with shampoo once again, if any of the lice somehow miraculously survived the first onslaught then the vinegar will loosen the grip of any remaining lice thus, making it easier to comb out any remaining lice as well as their eggs.

"However, you do not want to use vinegar if you have open sores on your scalp since vinegar can cause a burning sensation."

Eliminate head lice using a blow dryer

OK, moving right along to our next line of attack and that is blow-drying the lot of them, eggs and all. Please be aware there should be no lotions or creams in your hair especially when using a chemical lice treatment.

Preparation before blow drying head lice

You can simply wash and shampoo your hair as you normally would. Start by drying hair at the roots a low heat setting is sufficient. The heat will kill the lice and dry out the nits before they can colonize that's two birds with one stone.

Studies show that blow-drying your hair is great for killing almost 98% of the nits in your hair and kills almost half the lice as well. And let's face it unless these things have protective clothing there ain't nowhere to hide.

Apple cider vinegar a potent alli in the fight against head lice 

Right, let's continue the onslaught with our next method. It's actually the same as the first method but in this case, you can add apple cider vinegar to the mix for a double dose.

Before applying the oil first rinse hair with apple cider vinegar and pat dry. Apply the olive oil as recommended in the first method. Once again cover your head with a shower cap or plastic bag and leave overnight before shampooing and rinsing thoroughly the following morning.

Using a nit comb to thoroughly comb any remaining head lice

Use a special nit comb to remove all dead lice and nits. Not only will the oil eradicate the lice in your hair, but it will also make your hair smell fresh and look soft and shiny.

Always continue to check your hair for the presence of lice and nits just be patient with your regimen and results will come faster than expected.

You could always mix and match these different ways of getting rid of head lice to your own personal discretion. Watch this Q and A session to find out more about head lice and what you need to know about prevention.

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