How Do Varicose Veins Form On Your Legs | Causes & Symptoms

How do varicose veins form on your legs and what causes this condition your veins have valves that prevent the blood from flowing back towards your feet veins are thought to develop when the valves don't close properly. 

If the valves don't work properly the blood is able to flow backward. This causes blood pools in the vein causing the vein to stretch this is what we call varicose veins. Symptoms 

This may cause symptoms such as aching itchiness or swelling of the ankles, however, often they don't cause any serious symptoms, the main problem is usually their appearance. 

Superficial Veins 

The superficial veins lie below the surface of the skin, the deep veins pass through the deep tissues of the legs they transport blood from the legs and feet back up towards the heart. 

The superficial and deep veins are connected by perforator veins the deep veins run between the muscles of the legs. The muscles contract when you move your legs and ankles which help to squeeze the blood back up towards your heart. 

Treatment For other people, varicose veins can cause aching pain and some discomfort. Sometimes varicose veins can lead to more serious problems. Treatment may involve self-care measures or procedures by your doctor to close or remove veins.


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