A Simple Yet Powerful Way to Treat Dry Flaky Skin

What is the best treatment for dry flaky skin and how do you get rid of it? Here is a powerful yet simple way to treat dry flaky skin and get rid of this condition once and for all.

"lets start with what is this condition? and why does it affect a wide range of people?"

Lack of water can cause dry flaky skin

The loss of water causes the skin to become dry and brittle. As our skin starts to lose both sebum and water it begins to dry out, even to the point where the skin starts to peel away in very thin layers we know as flakes.

Environmental factors may cause brittle flaky skin

A combination of cold dry air outside and dry humid air inside will cause your skin to dry very rapidly.


Very dry flaky skin can be a response to long-term exposure to heat such as extended periods in a hot bath, saunas or heated swimming pools.

Dry flaky skin affects a wide variety of people. 

There is, however, no one single cause to why our skin dries like this, basically, it's different strokes for different folks.

What You Eat - Determines healthy glowing skin.

When talking about skin appearance, factors like excessive sun exposure, smog and cigarette smoking are major contributors to the big picture, but we can eat our way to oblivion as well.

Eating a healthy diet is your best approach to helping your body detox naturally and also supply the body the necessary nutrients for healthy skin to thrive.


Fresh dark green vegetables and fresh fruit have always been the call of the day when it comes to internal health. Fresh vegetable juice is also wonderful for your skin, as are carotenoids, which give a red, orange and yellow color to fruits and green to vegetables. Studies have shown that eating foods with these deeply colored pigments can make your face actually look healthier than being tanned.

From the take-outs we eat and bring home to the supermarket foods we consume, which is highly controversial when comes to "what the heck's in it"!.

Essential vitamins to promote healthy skin 

Dry skin can be a tell-tale sign you need more Omega-3 fats which is essential to produce the bodies natural protective oils if you suffer from a lack of Omega-3 fats you can purchase this as a supplement from your local herbalist.

These essential fats are commonly found in fish such as Sardines and Herrings. A good way to determine a lack of Omega-3 is by looking at your hands and feet, are they smooth like a baby behind? if they are dry, flaking even cracked it's a pretty sure sign you're lacking this supplement.

Excluding these things in order to gain healthier skin again. 

This is the single most important step one can take to archive healthy skin. If you are willing to exclude all sugars, fructose, and grains from your diet, don't worry just 2 to 3 weeks should do it. You will see a great transformation in your skin's complexion.

The reason for this is that sugar and grains feed pathogenic bacteria which disrupts your optimal gut flora, one of the primary keys for producing healthy skin.

Stress can cause unhealthy skin issues. 

This is one we tend to overlook but it can play its part in the way we feel emotionally about how it effects or health on the outside. If we don't minimize the unneeded stress in our lives, this can actually further promote the inflammation of what is known as eczema.

If you are one that suffers from emotional stress, Please seek help especially if it is draining you from the inside out. Negative emotions only slow down our bodies internal defenses, substitute them with positive ones and you will soon see the benefits not only to your mental health but physical health as well.

Here are a few tips to help get rid of dry flaky skin 

Lite Body Scrub:

If you have dry flaky skin on the face then treat yourself to a lite shower facial scrub your love it... Lime juice and plain sugar are great for the skin, sugar helps remove dead skin (flaky skin) from the body while the lime acts as a natural moisturizer. Use a soft bristled body brush to get rid of those flakes, (brush flakes off before wetting the body) Avoid using soap or use a little amount possible, especially during the winter or dry climate conditions, as this will only worsen your dry skin.

Natural Moisturizers: 

Two great all-natural moisturizers are commonly used and have been for decades, are pure emu oil and pure coconut oil. Both can be used as an ideal substitute for facial and body moisturizers as well as lotions. Coconut oil has been used to moisturize and has been widely used to treat aged wrinkles, and is also a potent source of the beneficial fat lauric acid. Yogurt is high in anti-oxidants this helps in treating dry patchy skin. Apply some almond oil to your face and body this is great as a natural oil to keep the skin soft and tender.

When you apply moisturizers from the outside, just keep in mind that most personal care products we buy from supermarkets contain toxic ingredients that can harm the health of your skin. For instance, a study found that everyday use of moisturizing creams may be adding to tumorigenic conditions. What this means is that these commercial creams and lotions can increase the rate at which tumors are formed.

 Papaya Fruit:

OK here are a few more natural oil remedies that will promote healthy skin. The Papaya fruit can be used as a facial... simply peel, mash and apply to the face or other infected areas. Massage for at least 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Papaya removes dead cells and makes the skin shiny and soft and will help exfoliate the skin. Sesame oil cream applied to your face helps promote soft skin as well as Aloe Vera which nourishes the skin and prevents the skin from becoming rough and dry. Aloe Vera also protects your face from developing fine lines and wrinkles.

Early Treatment should dry flaky skin persist. 

Remember the key to healthy skin is all about taking action before symptoms get worse. Only using things nature has already provided us is a good start. Attacking the problem from the inside out will benefit you to ensure long-term healthier skin. Before you go here's a video that uses the properties from a banana to promote healthy skin, watch and enjoy :)

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