7 Proven Ways to Naturally Get Rid of Body Odor

Here's seven proven surefire ways that will help you get rid of body odor naturally and permanently and save you a little money in the long run by using common affordable produce and ingredients.

Whenever you smell good you tend to have more confidence even when around others. If you, therefore, have an unpleasant smell you should strive at finding resourceful ways to help you get rid of this thing once and for all!

Things that may trigger body odor

Some of the leading causes of one's body smelling may include systemic deficiencies within the body such as, sweating, menstruation, yeast infections, even stress.

Rosemary contains natural deodorant properties

Rosemary can help you battle bad body odor efficiently. It contains natural deodorant properties menthol and coral-fill and those that kill bacteria and fungi.


To prepare your remedy and four cups of hot water to a 1/2 cup of dried rosemary and let it steep for about 10 minutes. You then need to mix it into your bathwater and allow it to soak for around 15 to 20 minutes for better results follow the procedure once a day.

Essential oils for healthy smelling skin

You can make a great natural deodorant using essential oils and witch hazel. These natural oils not only smell great but also hold properties to promote healthy skin.


Mix 5 drops each of sage coriander and lavender essential oils in about 60 milliliters of distilled witch hazel and store in a spray bottle or can. This makes for the perfect alternative to artificial chemical lab and deodorants and helps you combat body odor while also making healthier choices in life.

Soaking your feet in a soothing relaxing salt bath while eliminating odor smelling bacteria 

One of the most notorious places for body odor is the feet. To prevent your feet from smelling it's great to give them some TLC every now and then.

And what better way than treating your feet to a relaxing salt bath. This is an effective and well known method for treating and killing bacteria.


While each of these remedies is effective in getting rid of body odor, one-time use won't give you the results you want. You have to diligently perform these activities until the condition is alleviated.

Crystal rock is used as an antiperspirant to eliminate body odor 

Crystal Rock is also suitable for removing underarm odor. Crystal rock is made from mineral salts effectively blocks the sweat glands and acts as a natural antiperspirant. Use it as a deodorant under your arms to reduce the amount of perspiration.

Wheatgrass juice to eliminate the odors and smells produced by bacteria. 

Chlorophyll is present in wheatgrass and helps in the fight and eliminate bacteria before it has a chance to produce foul smelling odors. You just need to soak some wheatgrass in water and drink the solution every morning. You can also take wheatgrass juice at the beginning.


Add two tablespoons of wheatgrass juice and 3/4 cup of water ad to blender or mixer until you archive a smooth consistency. Take one glass a day and as time goes on you can increase the amount you consume.

Baking soda has antibacterial properties to treat body odor

Yup,  good old baking soda is a powerful aid to get rid of body odor naturally because of it's antibacterial properties.

Baking soda can absorb sweat and reduce body odor by reducing and drawing the moisture from the skin. It kills bacteria and acts as a natural deodorant.

Baking soda works effectively for treating dull limp hair, and it adds volume and shine to hair strands as well. There are various ways to control body odor by using baking soda.

A mixture of baking soda and lemon juice is really effective when you apply it to your underarms and other body parts where you sweat immensely.

Lemon juice to control pH Levels

The acidic property of lemon juice helps lower the skin's pH level that helps to fight against the bacteria that causes body odor to give off that foul smell. Lemon is also a powerful natural bleach.

In addition to all these benefits it can be used by even those who cannot tolerate lemons. You can use it in various ways to prevent body odor.

Preparing your lemon concoction

Cut one fresh lemon into two halves and then take one half of the lemon and rub it under your arms daily to reduce body odor especially under the arms.

Make sure to change your clothes frequently having a fresh set of clothing ready to wear. Change your underwear and socks at least once every day, as this type of clothing absorbs sweat and odors.

I hope you found those 7 natural tips to get rid of body odor helpful in your journey towards overcoming this anti-social condition.


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