The Only Natural Recipe You'll Ever Need to Eliminate Boils

Here's the only natural homemade remedy you'll ever need to eliminate those nasty boils. This recipe uses two of the most effective plants in combating infections. You can easily make and prepare this recipe at home.

What Exactly is a Boil and How Does it Form?

A boil is a red swollen and painful lump under the skin it often looks like an overgrown pimple. Boils are often caused by infected hair follicles or (Folliculitis) along with bacteria.

Skin quickly gets infected and forms an abscess which can become large and pussy and cause severe pain.

Time to Make Your Natural Recipe to Eradicate These Boils. 
  • Cheese grater
  • Adhesive bandages or a cotton cloth
  • Garlic, castor oil,
  • Basil leaves or pepper leaves
Wash  Basil Leaves and Extract Juice

Wash the basil leaves then pat them dry. Now you're going to remove the leaves from the stem cause we only want the leaves, you could toss the stems into a  stew no need to waste.

Now, this is where the fun part begins there's no need for any chopping, what your going to do is take a few leaves to start with then roll the leaves in between your thumb and fingers while applying pressure. You should see a brownish fluid oozing out, put a bowel underneath to catch the juice.

Garlic Helps in The Fight Against Infection.

We need just about a clove of garlic. Strip the garlic and wash if preferred then grate garlic and place in a bowel. Now you can add a few drops of castor oil into the garlic and give it a good mix.

"So now we have our leaves and garlic mixture ready it's time to apply it to the infected area."

Put Some Mixture on a Bandage and Apply to Boil 

Put some gloves on and take your adhesive bandage or cloth then take some of the basil leaves and place it on the cloth and on top you want to put the garlic mixture.

You want to place it right over the boil and hold it and make sure it is in place, you will need assistance for the next task.

Once in place have another person lower their arm so you have each end of the cloth up where the shoulder they lower their arm you can then tie the cloth in place.

Leave it Overnight to Really Work On Those Boils

You want to wear this for about 10-12 hours or even overnight if you wish. The boil should burst by itself if it hasn't burst at this stage you want to apply more treatment and wait for another 12 hours.

Cover Area Well During The Healing Process

Once the boil has burst just pop a band-aid over the area or if larger a bandage. It will eventually shrink and disappear in time.

Try it On Other Boils - There All Basically The Same

This natural recipe is great for eliminating most common boils people may get. If condition persists please see a professional health practitioner.

The following video shows an animated look at what happens when a boil pops, how the skin reacts, and finally the healing process.


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